Generic Medications

Same Medication, Different Manufacturere

When picking up a prescription, patients are sometimes asked, “Would you be okay with receiving this generic alternative instead of the original?” Many of our clients encounter this question, whether it concerns ADHD medication, sleep aids, antidepressants, or pain relievers. Generic medications are copies of original drugs and are often named after the active ingredient followed by the manufacturer’s name, such as Methylphenidate STADA.

Clients frequently ask whether they can continue using a generic alternative after having been accustomed to the original, such as Concerta. The answer is generally yes. But how can we be certain they are receiving the same medication? What does this actually mean, and how can we confidently state that the medicine will work as intended?

When the patent for an original drug expires, other manufacturers are allowed to create their own copies. However, these generic versions must meet several criteria before they can be approved for sale. The most important requirement is that the active ingredient must be identical to that of the original medication. For example, methylphenidate, the active ingredient in Concerta, must also be present in the generic version. However, the other components that make up the tablet itself may differ slightly.

Rigorous Quality Control for Generic Medications

The production of pharmaceuticals is regulated by various international agencies, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States and the EMA (European Medicines Agency) in the European Union. In Sweden, the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) is responsible for reviewing all medications.

The Medical Products Agency ensures that generic drugs are equivalent to their original counterparts. They verify that the medication contains the correct active ingredient and conduct bioequivalence studies. These studies are a mandatory requirement for approving generic medications.

Bioequivalence is a method used to evaluate whether two medications with the same active substance are absorbed and eliminated from the body in a similar manner, ensuring that they provide the same medical effect and safety profile.

Many clients ask: What about the binding agents in generic drugs? They don’t have to be the same, right? And Could this affect how the medication works? The answer is that this aspect is also carefully regulated. If the binding agents (often lactose) or salts alter the medication’s bioequivalence, the product will not be approved as an interchangeable substitute.

But what do studies say—has this been thoroughly researched? That depends on how one looks at it. Since generic medications contain the same active ingredient as the original, manufacturers are not required to conduct additional studies to confirm their effectiveness in treating conditions such as ADHD. The absence of these costly research and development expenses is precisely why generic medications can be significantly cheaper—a benefit for consumers.

Additionally, studies have shown that there is no significant difference between original and generic medications.

Subjective Differences

Despite this, some of our clients report a subjective experience that the original and generic versions feel different. It is worth noting that many people perceive a difference between Concerta and Ritalin, even though both original formulations contain the same active ingredient—methylphenidate.

Why does this happen? One factor is the placebo and nocebo effect. Nocebo is essentially the opposite of placebo—it means that if a person fears they will experience side effects or that the medication will be ineffective, the likelihood of that occurring increases. Since some individuals are skeptical about whether a generic medication is as effective, this perception may influence their experience.


After thoroughly reviewing this topic, the conclusion is that most people will experience excellent results with generic medications. Additionally, choosing a generic version is often more cost-effective.

However, if someone does experience a negative effect from a generic medication, it is important to discuss it with their doctor. We make every effort to listen to our clients and are always open to discussing concerns. Our goal is to find the medication that provides the best combination of effectiveness and minimal side effects—whether it is an original or a generic.

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