Many people experience everyday life as stressful. Work, hobbies, family life and other things demand their time and energy. If you have difficulty with focus and structure, it becomes even more difficult. But the question is – why is it difficult to keep the puzzle of life together? In this post, we explain various influencing factors, such as ADHD and anxiety.
Difficulty concentrating: Both people with ADHD and anxiety can have difficulty concentrating, although the causes may differ.
Restlessness: Both ADHD and anxiety can cause a feeling of restlessness and a difficulty being in the here and now.
Sleep problems: Both ADHD and anxiety can affect sleep, which can lead to difficulty falling asleep or experiencing insomnia.
Symptoms: ADHD often includes symptoms such as procrastination and daydreaming, while anxiety can manifest itself through physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating and hyperventilation.
Emotional coloring: anxiety is associated with negative emotions. Often one has many thoughts rushing forward such as e.g. concerns a subject that frightens one, such as social situations. In the case of ADHD, many people feel that their thoughts are moving forward, but the subject does not have to be negative, but can also be neutral, positive or interesting.
Age of onset: Symptoms of ADHD tend to appear early in childhood while anxiety can develop later in life, although there are exceptions to both.
Understanding the similarities and differences between ADHD and anxiety is important in arriving at the correct assessment and providing appropriate treatment and support to those suffering from these conditions. If you want to know more about these conditions, please contact us.